About Me

Entering the world of jewelry design

I started designing jewelry with Matrix software. Since my field of study is software and I had experience working with similar computer programs, it was not very difficult. But at the very beginning of learning, I gave up. All kinds of ideas were bubbling up in my mind and virtual pens were not something that could meet the needs of my mind.

I needed a blank slate for what I was seeing, everything I was hearing. And a pencil that dances freely on the paper. So I turned to designing handmade jewelry. It can be said that drawing a design on paper is easy for me. (There is a painting of my favorites that has remained with me since childhood. Sometimes I draw a sketch. Of course, mostly black and white). But when I participated in jewelry design classes and courses, I realized the greatness of this art.

I realized that designing jewelry is more than a beautiful painting and even more than creating unique designs. What they taught us in the training classes was to create a design according to the customer's taste and the market's taste. For this reason, considering the environment I was in, I tried to draw popular designs. Delicate designs with yellow gold. Or the designs in which a very small and limited number of gemstones were used. In fact, I had confined my mind in a forced framework. Something that was completely contradictory to my motivation to enter this art field.

I gave up sketching for a while and studied more. I researched and read about visual communication, about gems, and also about the philosophy behind each piece of art. I realized that more than the beautiful appearance of a design, it is the concept of that design or work of art that attracts people. A beautiful work of art, even if it is the most beautiful, if it has nothing to say, no story in its heart, it will not be attractive. People understand the concept of copied or patched designs very well. Even if it is the first time they are seeing that work of art. Art that is the birth of a creative mind screams its meaning. And it easily attracts its own special audience.

So I looked around. No matter if I am a jewelry designer, or a painter, or a writer, or anything else..
I just looked closely at my surroundings and the events around me. The first idea that stuck in my mind was the collection "Tumult And Calmness" which started with the design of a necklace which consists of sapphire, emerald and ruby. From the heart of this necklace, the idea of other designs of the collection was created.

The idea of the "Sama Dance" collection, taken from one of the Persian poems, came into play when I realized the need for unity and solidarity more than ever.

And Idea " Luna Eterna" of the third collection can be said to complement the other two items. When we move forward step by step in the midst of pain and suffering to reach our goals, what do we see? We all have that sweet dream in our mind.

When the idea of the collections was formed, the designs were written down one after the other. It was not clear from the beginning how many collections I was going to have with how many designs. Originally, it was created spontaneously. And now it continues, for those who are interested.

Jewelry making experience

The first offer to make jewelry was from a fashion jewelry factory, and it happened when I hadn't even submitted the final application for a certificate in Handmade jewelry design.

I was still at the beginning and did not know the market exactly. I did not intend to cooperate with fashion jewelry companies. Because it was not compatible with my goal. But I was curious to see my designs made into prototypes. Therefore, I gave a positive answer to the proposing company and presented two and a half sets of designs that I had drawn in the training course.

I was still at the beginning and did not know the market exactly. I did not intend to cooperate with fashion jewelry companies. Because it was not compatible with my goal. But I was curious to see my designs made into prototypes. Therefore, I responded positively to the company that offered and presented two sets of designs that I had drawn in the training course.

"Iron Lady At Night" and "Soulmate", the reason for choosing these two collections was, firstly, their simplicity and secondly, their conceptual generality.

I thought to myself that every young girl and every woman, in every social class, should be able to use these ornaments. And what is better if it is presented in the form of fashion jewelry at a cheap price.

You can see the examples of these two collections on this page.

Cooperation with jewelry companies and investors:

After the different experiences that I have had in this relatively short period of time, from ideation to manual design and software modeling, I know myself first as an ideator and then as a jewelry designer. And now I am ready to cooperate with factories and jewelry companies that are willing to make my collections or collaborate to create new custom designs.